Thursday, April 12, 2007


It has been almost a month since I posted on here... wow, sorry about that! I know that I talk with most of my readers in person and I really value those conversations, but there is something abot blogging that is wonderful for the heart and soul.

Quick update on life, I am not in collections by the Grace of God and I have a wonderful job. I will be moving into and founding the Southside Home for Wayward Boys (SHWB), probably on April 18th... the house is on 99th and Yakima (very close to PLU) and yes, I will host another renowned get together for all of you to help me christen the house! It will be a load of fun. I will be living with Warren Angus and Jason Dupea, so the interesting times will abound, and I look forward to all of them!

Last weekend really brought some great things to light in my heart... I am very good at performing. I spent more time focusing on details and little things about the Ressurection Weekend that I missed opportunities to worship my Savior and enjoy His presence. I missed out, and that is painful, but God is good and He knows how to restore all things to a right place. He has been challenging me to worship Him without thinking about leading worship and to really pour out myself before Him. I want my worship to be like the sinful woman who annointed the feet of Jesus and really ministered to Him. She was able to bless Him because of her extreme level of brokennes and a willingness to pour out her most expensive posession (herself really) before Him. "In light of His great mercy, I urge you to offer yourselves to God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him" Romans 12:1 (paraphrased)

I also realized how cool you all really are! I mean, you have not really drifted away from me and we are all still friends. Thanks for being faithful to me and enduring all the changing that was going on inside me.

Anto Marin and I have been getting together to write songs, which has been very fruitful for both of us. I remember when we went to Aberdeen on an Ignite retreat and Jenae would talk to him on the phone, little did I know that we would be friends soon enough... maybe if you are lucky and ask, I will play some of them for you. We are still in the writing stage, but eventually we will get to making a demo and maybe even playing live... wouldn't that be a hoot.

right on... I will see you all later!