Sunday, December 04, 2005

Kaj and Janel are back!!!

So I knew that Kaj and Janel Martin were back from India but I had forgotten when I walked into the sactuary and I got so excited when I saw them. It is very good to have them back and it was relly cool to hear about some of the things that God did in India. We also had a pretty cool drama today as well.

It was good and in the drama there was a part about the angel Gabriel and the actor said something like, "I am the angel Gabriel, God's champion and I stand in His presence." This really made me think. A champion in an ancient army was the dude that was the best warrior in the army. He was the guy that the opposing army would try and take out first. He was the guy you could count on to not lose to regular soldiers, you needed another champion to take him out. Only the best warriors could take out a champion and he was the leader of the army. The champion would be involved in the strategy of the war and would need to stand in the presence of the leader. This has been an inspiration to my heart for so long that I cannot remeber. To be the guy that is counted on to come through when it counts is a huge deal for me and I love that challenge. I also love the history of ancient armies so the combination of all these things made for a really sweet worship time!!!

Long story short church was awesome yesterday and it really spoke to me, especially the report from Kaj and Janel. I can't wait to hang out with him some more and he invited me to go with him to Calvary Full Gospel Church on Vashon Island sometimein the spring. He said that he wanted me to speak as well, along with him of course, and that exctited me.

Am I called to preach? I don't know... I know that the Lord reveals things in scripture to me that are really cool to me and I lot really made me start thinking about my calling and giftings and how I want to be a champion of the Lord. I want to be counted on to fight the battle that needs to be fought and to take out the strong points of the enemy. I know that I am called to fight against strongholds but I don't know what to fight or when. The funny thing is that I was considered for the role by the writer/director of the play and did not get it.
ve sharing them with people, but am I called to that? Who knows but Him.

1 comment:

Anna vB said...

thanks for the report! i love just hearing about what's going on in t-town. you are warrior sam! and yes, probably a preaching one...