Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Campus Safety and creativity... Go figure.

I started working for the Campus Safety here at PLU and I think that it is a lot of fun. I get to walk around campus with keys to every building and a radio. It is also rekindling my love for the emergency services because it reminds me of Vashon fire back when I used to volunteer. I really enjoy that type of people and being in the kind of environment built by mutual trust. I also get to walk around with another person and talk and interact with them. I was training with one of the student supervisors who is a biology major like me and we chatted about how there must be something behind all the cool diversity in the world and how it could not be natural selection. This is a fellow who does not know the Lord and would rather not, but as he was telling me about how he was an atheist coming into college and how he is not so sure now, I was able to share how I believed in the Lord and the creation story found in Genesis. It was interesting, at one point he started to say something and then stopped saying that he didn't want to make me mad. I was able to reassure him that he would not make me mad and that I valued what he had to say! When will the church learn to not take offense to things that are different and just love people?

Honestly, I can understand how so many people have been hurt by the church, especially young people. Sometimes it can feel like there is no place for you there. Even a church as great as PSCC can sometimes miss the point when it comes to my generation. How can Jesus and His message be relevant to this generation? I believe it is primarily through love and acceptance of the person (not necessarily the sin) and then being able to communicate with them on their level. My generation has an unprecedented level of creativity, so the same old thing is not going to work all the time. I believe that for the campus, the message is being hurt by being presented in the same way every time. Oh, well, maybe I am wrong... It seems to be a frequent occurance lately.

I love it when the Lord takes me to new places in Him. I have been going through a drier season lately and it was cool to realize that I need Him more than I know. I sometimes will put off my devotional time and do other things, like check the Ignite e-mail account or shower and eat before class. These are all things I need to do, but I need to be with Jesus more. He is my only focus and my only way of life. I need to love Him more and the things I am doing for Him less!!!


Nikki said...

Great thoughts.

except for the one about you being wrong all the time. THAT was wrong. You're a great brother who gives great advice. Thanks! Oh yeah, and thanks for kicking my butt the last few days. I need it!

Anna vB said...

sam. pleeeeeeeeeeeease... whatever you do, don't stop taking those showers! i know spending time with God is important, but if you smell bad you're not gonna be much of a witness anyway ;)