Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Talladega Nights

I have been working so hard for football these last few months, that it is good to see some reward for that. I have noticed that I am better prepared for this season than any other football season of my life, so I am happy. I want to go out with a bang, as it were. A word to the wise, don't eat potatoes O'Brien before doing an extreme workout. I ended up puking 5 times after my running workout on Monday. I made it through today's workout better, no puking, but I didn't eat very well today, lots of sugar and junky food that dosen't quite fill you up. Long story short, I need to eat better, because I have been doing really good and I have noticed the difference.

After a little team 11 on 11, we went and saw Talladega Nights, the ballad of Ricky Bobby. It was a stupid movie, but it was so funny at times. It was good to go out with the guys and hang out as well. Lots of laughs were had. The best part of the movie had Michael Clarke Duncan trying to dig a knife out of... well, you will have to go and watch it.

I finished my last shift of the summer today, and as expected, it was boring and long. I got to play Maggie's guitar though and that was fun.

I leave for Alaska in Friday and I am excited. I will try to post on the blog while up there, but no promises, it is Alaska after all. I heard they got electricity the other day for the first time, so I figure that HiSpeed internet cannot be far behind. Pray for me in Alaska...PLEASE!!!

I don't say this enough, but to all my friends and faithful readers, I love you. That is right, I love you. You guys all mean the world to me and I couldn't make it without you all.


Anna vB said...

i love you too bro!

Emily said...

Like anna said, I love you too samuel, you a re an amazing brother to me1 and i truly will be praying for you in Alaska...take some great pics!

Anna Banana said...

HEY! Alaska does too have electricity. So what if we are still trying to get used to it! You can cook baby seal over a fire any day!

I love you Samuel! I hope you have a great time in ketchican! I wish I could come and see you!