Saturday, December 09, 2006

PLU Grad...

That is right, I am officially a graduate of Pacific Lutheran University. I made it through all the long speaches and processionals to receive a little diploma holder that has a note telling me I will get my real diploma later. It was really fun today, but I don't feel any different. I can't understand why. It is really anti-climactic to still have school work left to do. I have one last project to turn in on Monday and then a class social meeting on Tuesday.

After the ceremony, we had a taco feed at church for friends and family. That was a lot of fun, people meeting each other and letting the many facets of my world interact. My school friends got to meet my parents and they got to meet some church family etc... I don't feel like it was a big accomplishment, but everyone else seems to think it is, so I just play along.

To all my wonderful friends and family, I love you. You really make my life better and I am a better person for knowing you guys.

I am really tired... I think Christmas break will be nice, a chance to sleep and rest. I have had a lot of stress build up over an entire semester, so it will be nice to dissipate that.

1 comment:

Anna vB said...

so the only reason you haven't heard from me in awhile is cause you disappeared off my rss-feeder. i was wondering why you've been so quiet, surfed to your site to notice i have missed months of wonderful postings! now i gotta spend an hour to read it all...
but first of all: congrats on graduating!!! what is life like now? oh, i guess i should read your blog to find out now.
grtz from belgium to ya.