Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sorry for the long update.

So this morning I had a job interview with Mary Bridge Childrens Hospital. The position I am applying for is like the one I had before at Tacoma General, just in the ER that specializes only in children. I thought the interview went well and the lady seemed to be impressed with my credentials and experience. I think that I will get that job, but I won't know for a few weeks because some of the administration people are on vacation. I am excited, because if I get this job, the hours will be flexible and I will be able to work whenever I can. The other upside is that I can move up to a full time or more regular schedule over time, which would be nice.

I have been working a ton of hours here at Campus Save-me and it is going pretty well for the most part. Sometimes I feel like I live here, but that is ok. The overtime will make for a nice paycheck come the middle of January.

My Christmas was good, I got to spend more time working than I did with my family, but I think that it was ok. I also do believe that I spent more money on my parents than they did on me, but again that is ok... it is the thought that counts and they both got me thoughtful gifts which I really appreciate.

You know how sometimes people will just give money if they don't know what to get you? Well, that is my Grandma in a nutshell! She hasn't tried to buy a gift for me, either birthday or Christmas for probably 6-8 years. I did the easy route this year as well, buying my family gift cards so I wouldn't have to rack my brains to find them good gifts. I think that gift cards at least show a little thought about what the person might appreciate as a gift. I actually spent some time and thought about what kind of gift cards to give my immediate family, but whatever... I will get off of the soapbox now! I did make it through the holidays emotionally intact, though there were some moments that could have been really painful, so thank you to all who were praying for me!

Spiritually... where to start. I am in an ok place that is fast becoming a great place. One of the verses I am meditating on is Psalm 19:14,

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleaseing to You, O God, my rock and my redeemer."
It is such a fun verse to sit and think about. We all know that our words are very powerful and are the key to relationships, so watching what I say is super important to me.
I have been thinking a lot about ministry and where I go next and all that stuff, but the funny thing is, I don't think God cares about any of that! My personal times with Him have been very directed at getting my heart right before Him and realigning my emotions and priorities so that He is first in everything. It has been great.

I do run the gamut of emotions sometimes, from struggling to on top of the world. I feel like I should be a little more stable in my walk, but I need to realize that I am still very young in the Lord, less than 3 years, and that I have lots of time to be the man He wants me to be. I can be very hard on myself (and others around me!) for not being as mature as I think I should be, but I am slowly learning to lighten up.

I do wish that I was doing more in ministry, I remember last Spring when we would have prayer meetings almost every night! I felt God doing so much amongst us, it was awesome! I don't have that in my life. I feel like I am living a common life, with God thrown in somewhere. When was the last time I saw a miraculous encounter with Jesus? When was the last time I layed hands on someone and prayed with them? I guess I am learning to not measure myself by what I am doing and to instead see myself in my God given identity. I am the only person who can lose that identity, God dosen't take it away, so choosing to stand up and be a son of God is soemthing I desire more of.

So, I am in an ok place that I know is becoming a great place!!!


mcarlton said...

let me just start by saying you've had an incredible three years with God since you gave your life to him..most people dont experience in their first 10 years of being a Christian what you have in the last few years. That speaks alot of both your committment to growing closer to him and how much he loves you and treasures you as a person and as a son. So keep up the great work :) and He will continue to take you on some amazing adventures and show you things you never dreamed possible. I'm glad you had a great christmas with the family and that timmy got to go to church with you. Sorry snowboarding didnt work out, but if you still want to do New years let me know. I'm in town til the 3rd :).

Emily said...

I hear you on many things in this post...I feel like i am sitting on my hands, when i want to do so much for the Lord. Why can't i do more? But the Lord has been impressing upon my heart just to sit as his feet and love Him and have PATIENCE! That's a hard one...Samuel, you will do amazing things for the Lord, I do not doubt that...but they may come in time....I hate that silly word :). Hope to see you some time during break... don't work too hard!

Sarah Stevens said...

hey mr. pirate bar "you won a prize!" it was fun to talk to you, even tho i had no idea who you were! lol. btw- my boyfriend wants to kick your butt for hearing that you were in love with me. lol. i told him not to tho, so i saved your ife. lol. anyways, about that hanging out thing that we say we are gonna do and never do it, well, call me next time you shoot over to pullman, you can always crash on my couch (or my living room floor,, cuz the couch is small.) and i can feed you too. lol.

anyways,nacho. talk to you later. hang in there!