Friday, January 20, 2006

I am hungry and I love it!!!

I get to fast again!!! I am on day 2 of no food and I love it, it is so good to sacrifice and procalim that I want to be closer to the Lord more than I want to eat!!! I went out to luch with my brother Joseph and although we had a great conversation, he ate the biggest, best looking burrito with chips and salsa I have seen in a while. I love burritos, but I love Jesus more. As you frequent readers will know, I fasted all food for 3 days at the start of this month and I think that it is going better the second time around. I am not as hungry and I have more hope for this Sunday, which is when I get to eat again. Sunday marks the end of 21 days of prayer and fasting and I am excited to start eating with my church family. I love church potlucks becasue there is always so much food and it is sooooo good!
I have finally tracked down every piece of financial information that I can and am ready to show my Dad... I hope that this can be a positive experience for the both of us, maybe even grow us closer together. I have been looking at it and hopefull y it won't be that bad... You never know though.
We are going to have communion tonight and then go on a prayer walk. I am really excited, I have never led communion before, so it will be a new experience for all of us. I don't think that Ignite has had communion on campus since I have been here. Maybe it is something that we should do more often! I am excited about it because I love the heart of this ministry which is about being intimate with the Lord. That is what communion is for and then we get to take the overflow and go out onto our campus and pray for it.
I really think that there needs to be a balance between intimacy with the Lord and going out and using the overflow to minister. One without the other is in a world of trouble. You cannot do ministry without being intimate with the Lord and I feel that you cannot be intimate with the Lord without ministering in some way. There are many ways to minister; service, evangelism, prayer, praying for people etc... but you need to do something. y favorite way to minister is to play basketball or something with non-christians and just show them how the Lord has changed my heart. It is not in anything I say or overtly do, but it is how I live and act or react to stuff that shows the work God has done in my heart.
I am also really excited about the Aberdeen trip we are going on soon. People are signing up and paying for the trip already. I need to talk to some people and get them to help me with some of the financial details, but it shouldn't be that big of a thing. I love planning stuff like this, it is not my strong suit, but I am finding that I can do it! I also look forward to seeing the trip happen and being involved in leading it.

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