Thursday, January 26, 2006

Lots to talk about

We have been holding 48 hours of prayer the last two days and it has been awesome!!! A team from Operation Mobilization came to campus and have been hanging out with us for a couple of days. They brought a guy named Gary Witherall to our Ingite meeting on Monday night and he tore that house down (well the Holy Spirit did, but Gary ministered it). People were on their faces before the Lord repenting and crying out before Him!!! Worship was amazing, even though I butchered more notes than I have in a long time, people would not have cared (I could have been playing chopsticks on the piano and they would have been worshiping!)

48 hours of prayer is not an easy thing to get going, especially on this campus, but God did it. Every hour was scheduled to have somebody in the prayer shack in the Lord's presence crying out to Him. I only know of one hour where someone missed their shift, but other than that I think all 47 other hours were filled. SO AMAZING!!! I have read the book "Red Moon Rising" about the start of the 24/7 prayer movement in Europe and I am glad that we got to do something like that. Click on 24/7 Prayer for more information. People wrote in a "shift log" about what the Lord did during their hour (or two) and reading some of the things people wrote is quite amazing!!! God did some major works on our hearts. I love it, I love Him and I love worshiping Him.

Speaking of worship... My dad came to PSCC's youth group last night and played bass for me as I led worship. It was really cool. Instrument wise it was him, Jonathon the drumer, myself on guitar and Nikki sang with us. Another annointed time in the Lord's presence!!! I know that the Lord blessed it especially because Nikki and I along with the rest of the 48 hour prayer group had been spending considerable time in the Lord's presence beforehand. The kids were worshiping. Let me say that again, THE YOUTH WERE ENTERING INTO WORSHIP!!! I even saw this one girl, who never engages in worship and (from what I have seen) is always talking to a friend or looking at the boys and in general being very distracted, she was singing along!!! We were able to play really softly and I heard the kids singing the song. This has never happened before, at least when I have led! What a victorious time last night, God thank you for your victory over the strongholds in place of worshiping you. Powerful time... I live for times like that.

With the Operation Mobilization people here, it got me to thinking about missions and workers going over seas to spread the gospel. I don't think that I am called to missions. Maybe that is the season of my life or maybe I am supposed to be a sender of people but I don't know. What I do know is that I love supporting people and sending them out into the mission field, so maybe that is my role right now. I really enjoyed meeting the team fro OM and if you are reading this Michael, Heidi, Edgar or Erik... BIG UP'S to you all and your adventures at different colleges around here. You can read there blog from here or link to it from my sidebar.

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