Sunday, April 09, 2006

Don't take this wrong...

I love being at PSCC, I went to both services this weekend and got really blessed at both of them. On Saturday night, Kaj preached about being prepared to handle affliction and victory. He talked about being ready in three areas, so if your life gets changed radically either through affliction or victory, you will be prepared. The three areas were intimacy with Jesus, a dependance on the Word and a posture of praise and worship. After service, I got to meet with Pastor Tom and we talked about a lot of things and had a really good conversation in general.

This morning at Church, Pastor Tom talked about a release of worship, using Luke 19 and the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It was great, I was really blessed by worship and just meeting with God.

So if I have been really blessed this weekend, why am I hurting right now? Oh, yeah I remember... I feel like I pour out so much of myself into relationships, on campus and in other assorted areas but I don't get much back. Oh well, Mark told me that there is a little bit of lonliness in being a leader and I know that I can't lead anyone I am not affraid of losing, so that is some comfort... But not much.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Bro~ take some time for yourself and be refreshed by the Lord. I don't know all that you are feeling but I hope that I can encourage you somewhat. you are appreciated for ALL you do for me, my roomate,and so many on and off this campus. Your commitment to the Lord is inspiring. Your firendship is a blessing! Thanks!