Thursday, April 13, 2006

Pray for me this weekend...

My dad is getting married on Saturday in Canada to a lady named Karen (I think, shows how well I know her!!!) My dad met her on and I am happy that he found someone to put up with him, but I am not too happy about them getting married altogether. I wish that I knew this would work out well and have a very happy ending later on in their life, but I can't say that.

Ever since my parents got first seperated and then divorced my Sophomore year in high school, my dad has blamed my mom and they have never quite gotten along. At the same time, my dad has been desperate for female companionship, someone to clean house, do laundry and cook. He has had a new girlfriend about every month or so since he got on eHarmony and this is his second fiancee since the divorce (obviously the first one didn't work out).

So they are getting married and I will go up to Karen's Lutheran church in Port Coquitlam, BC and smile and affirm them in their marriage.

Lord, I ask you to bless the marriage of my dad and Karen. Jesus I pray that you would be the absolute center of their marriage and that you would sustain them in the years to come. God I ask that this would be a time of unification in my family among my brothers, sisters and I. Jesus I need you to be there for me this weekend and to allow me grace to show my family, God I pray for healing in Karen's family and in my family. I know that the only way it will happen is through Your Holy Spirit! Jesus come with me please...

I wish that I could be back in LA!!! If I could live my life with a mohawk, leading worship and in general playing my guitar and making music unto the Lord... I would be so happy! I don't even care about all the details that go along with leading worship or making music, just to be in the secret place with Jesus and singing Him the songs that He gives me to write!


Anna vB said...

dude... i will pray for you. can't imagine what that's like. sometimes i forget how lucky i am my parents are still together. bring nikki with you. make it a roadtrip. she's been through it too...

FYI- you are too good for many jobs too!

and ps. i did love the mohawk. still got it?

Emily said...

Awesome pic!
I too will be praying for you, that the Lord will bring you strength and wisdom.

I have a new post!!! So get off my back :)

Why can't we just be in the secret place with jesus always...ah the sweetness of the Lord. The answer is always Jesus!

must sleep