Friday, May 05, 2006

The Storm

I feel a change in the weather, I think a storm is coming (don't read to much into that, I just noticed that the wind changed)...

And on a side note, I think that this summer is also going to be a time of intensity and change for all of us. We will not be the same next fall... I am glad for that. Lets learn from this year and do better next year!

I got to hang out with Wes for a while today. We talked about a lot of things, especially Ignite and some of the ideas and dreams we have for it. Wes is going to come alongside the ministry as an administrative type of guy and I am really excited about that! We need some organiation and structure so that we can be effective on campus.

One of the other things we talked about was the question about whether God would bring revival to a ministry that is not ready for it. We both think that the answer is no (God feel free to prove us wrong, You are sovereign) because when God moves, the enemy tries to counteract the work God is doing. If we as a ministry are not super solid, than satan will be able to get a foothold and tear us apart... Good news is that I believe we are on the right track, there will be some speed bumps, but we are going the right way.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I too am seeing this more and more...we need to be unified...I have been meditiating on Romans 15: 5-6 for ignite, we need to praise Him with one mouth and heart