I have the most amazing friends in the world and as we were walking back from prayer one night, tragedy struck. It was about 5 minutes after midnight and the UC is scheduled to be locked at midnight. It was cold outside and since I am a thoughtful guy. I told the gals with me that we should walk through the UC. Now I knew that Campus Safety had just shift changed and had more than likely not gotten to the UC to lock it yet. Everyone else was not too sure and they asked me,
"How sure are you Samuel? Are you willing to bet your hair?"
I thought about it and pondered, weighing whether or not I would be willing to risk my beloved hair, and said,
"Yeah, I am willing to bet my hair!"
I think you all can tell where this is going!!!
We get to the UC and sure enough, the doors were locked!!! I lost the bet, I need to cut my hair! If you have not seen my beautiful locks, I am sorry because they may not be here much longer!
We did have an idea. I will cut my hair something crazy everyday for a week and then it will be gone. Start with a mullet, go to racing stripes, end with a mohawk... It will be fun!!! Can you imagine me with a mohawk in LA?
hold on dude... don't cut your hair yet! i wanna see your locks as they are now... just 3 more days. will the girls let you wait that long? please girls? please?
Wait I so did not know that you were doing all those spiffy hair cuts first. Super cool!
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