Saturday, March 04, 2006

A new season...

I would like to take a moment and welcome Chase Donnely to my room!!! If I could have picked a roomate, it would have been him! We are so different, but we are more similar than people realize. I know that he will grate on me and I will grate on him, but it will be like iron sharpening iron. He is the most "shiny" person I know and getting him to pay attention for more than 5 minutes is a chore, yet at the same time, we have been able to have some cool conversations and stuff like that.

I honestly don't know where my heart is right now, I have no clue. I love Jesus, I just don't have much emotion right now.

Is that wrong?
Am I losing it?
I need some help...

I want to have passion to run after the Lord, I just don't have it right now.

Oh, well, I need to be faithful, I just feel forgotten sometimes and really passed over. Do people care about my heart? What a stupid question... What does it matter what people think of my heart if God likes it? Even if people were to try and help me, I would not know where to start...

1 comment:

Anna vB said...

chase is back? hi chase!! where've you been? i haven't seen you in almost a year now. do i get to see you in just a few weeks?